Subject: Anti-Steering Form Requirements

Date: July 22, 2022

Effective with loans registered on 7/22/2022 and after, REMN Wholesale will now include an Anti-Steering Loan Options form in our REMN-prepared initial disclosure package. Previously the Broker was required to provide the Anti-Steering form in all instances, whether the initial disclosures were REMN or Broker-prepared.

Brokers who are preparing their own initial disclosure package are responsible for the Anti-Steering disclosure.

As a reminder, the Anti-Steering form must be fully completed and provided to the borrower within 3 days of the application date.

A fillable version of the Anti-Steering form may be accessed on the REMN website by clicking HERE.

The Anti-Steering form is not required for Emerging Bankers.

**Please contact your Account Executive with any questions**